Protecting Your Mental Health Against the Coronavirus
The coronavirus has plagued the world with uncertainty and fear, which can take a toll on our mental health. No matter if you’re still going about your daily life (with a little more caution) or have taken to the quarantine, it’s time to start protecting your mental health.
So how can we protect our mental health?
According to the World Health Organization, you can start by limiting your news intake which includes social media. Stay connected with friends and family, wash your hands (but not excessively) and try not to get burnt out. Don’t forget to engage in activities that you like to do. Hobbies, going outside, artistically expressing yourself or reading are just some examples! Don’t forget to reach out if you find yourself spiraling. It’s okay to say you need help. While you should limit your news intake, make sure the news you are ingesting is factual. Misinformation don’t help you, or your community.