Kanye West’s Presidential Campaign Has Received ‘Zero Donations’
Kanye’s presidential campaign is slowing down, suggesting he’s accepted he won’t be President.
Radar Online got FEC filings from West’s campaign showing he last received donations weeks ago. On April 1, 2023, the campaign had $124,873. By June 30, 2023, over $101,000 was paid out to consultants and employees.
The campaign has no debts but only $23,000 cash left for the “Kanye 2020” campaign. Kanye West spent $2 million in bills but only received $455,000 in donations.
Expenses include a $31,000 check to Milo Yiannopoulos, an alt-right provocateur billed as West’s “Director of Political Operations.” The payment’s legality is controversial.
Kanye West is said to have dropped out of the presidential race in April due to the realization he may have been used for political shenanigans.
Do you think Kanye ever stands a chance at public office?